HomeVault Rental Income Calculator

A snapshot of the content of the HomeVault Rental Income Calculator offered in Excel format

About the Rental Income Calculator

If you’re a DIY landlord looking for a simple way of keeping track of your income and expenses in order to plan accordingly for the monthly or yearly budget, you’ve landed well!  At HomeVault, we make it easy for you to get a financial overview of your rental investment with this simple rental income calculator spreadsheet. You can use the spreadsheet daily or weekly to keep track of everything that goes in and out of your pocket for your rental, from rental payments to maintenance to taxes. Here are the key benefits of the rental income calculator worksheet:

Ready to use template: we’ve already added all formulas, so you don’t need to.

Editable format; you only need to fill in your data, or multiply the columns, in case you have a larger rental portfolio.

Easy structure + explanations, so that you don’t feel lost.
